Thursday, August 11, 2011

Assignment Due at the End of the ICCARS Project Training

On Friday, August 12, 2011, the ICCARS 5-day training comes to an end.  During the afternoon of the 12th, project participants will have time to work on their instructional units.  By the end of the afternoon, each participant will need to turn in an outline of their unit.  It will need to include:
1.  Teacher Name and School
2.  Subject Taught
3.  Alignment to specific Climate Literacy Principle(s) -- (Ideally, both the number(s) and letters.
4.  Approximate length of time of the unit.
5.  General outline of the unit.
6.  How the GLOBE Student Climate Research Campaign will be implemented in the unit (Climate Foundation activities and/or Intensive Observation Periods (IOP's)-anticipated month.
7.  How will remote sensing be implemented in your unit?
8.  What NASA data sites will be used?
9.  Ideas about encouraging student projects around the question of "What is my climate and how has it changed over time?"  (ecosystems and climate; climate and large-scale extreme weather; cargon, energy, and your carbon footprint; and air pollution, human health, and climate)

Identification -- Subject -- Alignment -- Time -- Outline -- SCRC -- Remote Sensing -- NASA data -- Student Projects

Detailed instructions for future work can be found at: